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Do Nootropics Really Work as Brain Boosters?

Reviewed by: Dr. Mark Ghalili, DO

Nootropics, also known as "smart drugs," are a type of supplement that can improve brain function. When it comes to "How do nootropics work to support brain functions?" it's never been easy to explain thoroughly due to the complexity of our brains.

Today, let's take a look at how the human brain works and how nootropics work to enhance cognitive performance.

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How Do Nootropics Work?

How Does the Human Brain Work?

The cerebral cortex is a covering of neuronal tissue that protects the cerebrum of the mammalian brain. The cerebral cortex accounts for approximately 80% of total brain mass and contains up to 100 billion neurons in the human brain. Each of them is connected to a concentric neural network of cell-to-cell interactions, making the human brain stand out from other mammalian brains.

The size and complexity of the brain allow humans to have a particularly complex cognitive capacity – one that permits us to obtain logical and self-conscious thinking.

The effects of nootropics on the brain have been extensively researched. Let's look closer at the nootropic mechanisms, which appear to be focused on six crucial brain pathways.

How Do Nootropics Work to Enhance Cognitive Functions?

How do the nootropics work? The nootropic impacts the brain's performance via various pathways, enhancing the brain's structures and functions in multiple ways.

1 Brain Energy

The brain consumes more energy than any other human organ, accounting for much to 20% of the total amount consumed by the body. The two-thirds of the brain's energy resources help neurons or nerve cells signal, receive, and process information. The remaining third is employed for "housekeeping" or maintaining cell health.

Brain fog symptoms and mental tiredness may appear if your brain receives inadequate energy. Low amounts of brain energy have also been connected to various cognitive decline and degeneration stages.

How do nootropics support brain energy?

  • Nootropics motivate the metabolic activity of mitochondria, promoting clean natural energy (Mitochondria are membrane-bound cell organelles that generate the majority of the chemical energy)
  • Nootropics support the delivery of fatty acid into brain cells, which is used to energize mitochondria.
  • Nootropics increase the brain's oxygen and nutrients, providing "fuel" for energy generation.

2 Brain Chemicals

There are different types of neurotransmitters, including:

  • Acetylcholine is vital for muscle control, autonomic bodily processes, learning, memory, and attention.
  • Dopamine plays significant roles in executive function, mood control, motivation, reinforcement, and reward.
  • Serotonin regulates anxiety, satisfaction, and mood.
  • Norepinephrine increases arousal and alertness, plus improves memory formation and concentration.
  • Epinephrine helps neurons to communicate with one another.
  • Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) acts as the principal inhibitory neurotransmitter, lowering neuronal excitability.

Nootropics for neurotransmitters aid in unlocking the peak cognitive performance associated with a healthy brain by:

  • Providing precursors to brain chemicals
  • Increasing the production of neurotransmitters
  • Increasing the sensitivity of receptors
  • Inhibiting the breakdown of neurotransmitters

3 Cerebral Circulation

As we age, oxygen and glucose consumption declines with lower cerebral circulation, which could cause age-related alterations in cognitive performance. A study monitored the improvement in cerebral blood flow during long-term therapy of elderly individuals with nootropic medications. The results showed that volunteers had experienced a significant improvement in their memory and overall well-being.

Nootropics can help with cerebral blood flow by:

  • Supporting nitric oxide production and blood vessel relaxation, increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure.
  • Hindering homocysteine and oxidative damage to blood vessels since high homocysteine levels can damage the lining of the arteries and make the blood clot easily.
  • Reducing the "stickiness" or "thickness" of blood cells that may cause the clotting process.

4 Brain Waves

There are five different types of brain waves, including:

  • Delta waves support healing and regeneration.
  • Theta waves signal that the brain is in a dreamlike state, which can help with sleep-wake transitions and meditation.
  • Alpha waves indicate that the brain is resting and mildly meditating, ideal for free-flowing creativity.
  • Beta waves occur when the person is attentive and focused on problem-solving.
  • Gamma waves are linked with higher levels of consciousness.

Nootropics raise certain brain waves. Brain waves refer to electrical impulses in the brain. The actions, emotions, and thoughts of an individual are communicated between neurons in the brain. Synced electrical pulses from multitudes of neurons connecting with one another produce all brainwaves.

5 Neuroprotection

By inhibiting the pathogenetic process that may result in neuronal dysfunction, neuroprotection helps prevent neuronal cell death.

Neuroprotection is a considerably tougher sell when combined with nootropics; it sustains cognitive performance rather than boosts it. Nootropics help with neuroprotection by:

  • Increasing the capacity of antioxidant that helps protect your brain
  • Aiding in fighting off the irregular protein aggregation that causes various diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, dementia, etc.
  • Flushing out brain tissue of neurotoxins that are destructive to nerve tissue
  • Fighting against the effects of stress

6 Brain Regeneration

Unlike other organs and tissues, the brain does not rapidly repair injured portions that are functionally related to the brain's unharmed areas. Nootropics work as a supporter of brain regeneration by:

  • Increasing natural brain-derived growth factors, which support neuronal growth and memory formation
  • Supplying raw ingredients for neuronal construction
  • Maintaining the flexibility of brain cell membranes that indicates the ability to switch between different rules or action plans based on the contexts

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One of the must-consider Nootropics, NeuroDrive® from Regen Labs, is a cognition enhancer that powerfully stimulates neuroactivity with the most innovative, toxin-free supplements for brain health. NeuroDrive® is a supplement used to support brain health. It is designed to suppress amyloid-beta plaques, relieve oxidative stress, support healthy cell structure, and metabolize glucose. Its key ingredients include:

  • Sulbutiamine: is an artificial supplement that provides a modest stimulant effect, increasing mental activity and improving memory.
  • Centrophenoxine: mimics the properties of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter for memory and learning.
  • Bacopa: contains potent antioxidants that protect cells from harm and boost brain function.
  • Trans-ferulic acid: aids in memory improvement and new topics learning.
  • Huperzine A: is a natural chemical used to improve memory and mental function in people experiencing memory deficiencies.

It is a lot to think about! We get it. Regen Labs has options for you if you have questions about 'How do nootropics work?" All Regen Labs products support the body's natural systems for a healthy brain, skin, muscle, and sexual health.

Regen Labs products contain research-proven ingredients to boost the body's natural ability to be healthy without toxins or synthetic chemicals.

Let's talk! If you have questions, we would love to connect. Contact us today.

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