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What Are the Functions and Benefits of L-Tyrosine? 6 Health Benefits of Tyrosine for Women

L-tyrosine has received a lot of buzz in the press over recent years. And for good reason: the non-essential, long chain amino acid appears to boost mental and physical performance, particularly in women. 

Yes, L-tyrosine can interact with medications (as most supplements can). However, it may also minimize side effects and deliver advantages many drugs can’t. 

What Is L-Tyrosine And What Does It Do?

Tyrosine is a natural amino acid found in foods like chicken, turkey, fish, and dairy. The body uses it for several purposes, including manufacturing thyroid hormones, producing adrenaline for the fight-or-flight response, and generating dopamine in the brain’s reward centers. 

Because of these central roles, L-tyrosine is a promising candidate for improving women’s health in numerous areas, and why researchers are probing it more deeply. 

L-Tyrosine Benefits For Women

L-Tyrosine may benefit women in numerous ways, which is why supplements likeNeuroDrive include it. Furthermore, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)generally considers it safe at low doses.

But what are the specific benefits?

It may improve mood

First, L-tyrosine may help with depressive symptoms by balancing certain neurotransmitters in the brain. The body uses the compound to manufacture substances that generate a positive mood, like dopamine, so a deficiency could lead to the opposite. 

This concept is backed up by evidence that tyrosine appears potent for treating cases of dopamine-deficient depression. Patients with low levels of the compound saw clinical benefits aftertaking the supplement for several weeks, experiencing more motivation to get up and on with life over time. 

It may improve mental performance

L-tyrosine may also improve mental performance in some situations. Research suggests that amino acids can boost numerous cognitive faculties, including reasoning, memory, and attention. 

For example, a study of22 women found that L-tyrosine supplements improved their working memory during cognitively challenging tasks. Participants were better able to follow instructions and concentrate on the problems facing them than their placebo-controlled colleagues. 

In another study, women received a tyrosine supplement to see if it could enhancecognitive flexibility. Results revealed using the amino acid let participants shift between tasks more fluidly without having to reorientate for as long. 

Studies in animals corroborate this evidence. For example, data suggests L-tyrosine helps rodents respond better tocold shocks and other environmental stressors. Rats were better able to retain memories when scientists administered the compound, allowing them to return to full functional capacity. 

A1995 study observed a similar effect in humans. Sleep deprived individuals performed better at work-related tasks and stayed awake for longer after receiving L-tyrosine. 

It may improve thyroid hormones

Fortunately, there is stronger evidence that L-tyrosine supplementation can improve thyroid hormone production (along with iodine and selenium).Research suggests that supplementation with 12 grams of L-tyrosine daily during winter can increase the thyroid’s output and reduce the levels of certain compounds associated with thyroid underactivity. Furthermore, it may also reduce the drop in thyroid hormones that can occur after a sudden bout of intense stress. 

It may improve narcolepsy

L-tyrosine may improve narcolepsy symptoms, reducing the risk of falling asleep during the day. The amino acid can induce neuronal excitement, promoting wakefulness and preventing cataplexy (the tendency to suddenly fall asleep). 

To back up this idea, a study of ten patients found that L-tyrosine supplementationfelt more alert and less tired. Another investigation found patients were better able to resist sleep attacks with L-tyrosine supplements compared to placebo. 

It may improve weight loss

Finally, L-tyrosine may enhance weight loss via its effects on the thyroid. Upregulating thyroxine can boost energy usage in the body, encouraging more fat burning. 

Studies show that several L-tyrosine-containing supplements, like green tea extract, already improve weight loss in some people. However, other compounds may have been at work, so researchers aren’t absolutely sure the amino acid was responsible. 


Taking An L-Tyrosine Supplement 

Given the benefits of L-tyrosine, more women are considering taking it as a supplement. Data suggest it could improve mood, enhance mental performance, and balance thyroid hormones for sustained weight loss. 
